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The Tin-Can Radio Show Series

The Tin-Can Radio Show Series introduce pre-recorded radio shows, edited in different kind of formats. Produced out of the studio, using any recording device and sound editing programs, the series aim to challenge the format of a radio show and explore the DIY ways of producing.

Contributors can be anyone. You can send your radio shows with a small description and a poster in the following email address. The submitted radio shows should be no longer than 45 minutes.
For further information contact:

The shows will broadcast through CircuitsOnAir.

Survival Kit was an educational experiment between the Academy of Fine Arts Munich and the Athens School of Fine Arts with the participation of students from both institutions. Since 2013 it had manifested itself in an ongoing exchange, collaborations in different media and practises as well as by establishing the student-run project space Circuits and Currents and the web radio CircuitsonAir in Athens.

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