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CircuitsOnAir started as an artist project for the group exhibition Reality Though Fiction in October 2015. During the exhibition, the radio broadcasted fake news and advertisements indicating/ presenting a future neo-liberal world, as well as sound pieces and live performances that were part of the exhibition. After the exhibition, CircuitsOnAir became the web radio of Circuits and Currents, the project space of the Athens School of Fine Arts.

Our intention is to use it more as a medium for sound experimentation and exploration of the radio format. Until now, there were two regular shows every week, one from Athens and one from Munich. These two shows share a similar structure, that is based on the idea of the sound collage. The content of the shows expand from musical improvisations and text reading to mainstream songs, skype calls, live mixing etc. Furthermore, there are pop-up shows covering events that were happening at the project space, broadcasting music or sound pieces from various artists and collectives. Recently, the Tin-Can Radio Shows series were introduced, a series of prerecorded radio features from various contributors.

Survival Kit was an educational experiment between the Academy of Fine Arts Munich and the Athens School of Fine Arts with the participation of students from both institutions. Since 2013 it had manifested itself in an ongoing exchange, collaborations in different media and practises as well as by establishing the student-run project space Circuits and Currents and the web radio CircuitsonAir in Athens.

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